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- Uniform
All our pupils are expected to wear school uniforms and we appreciate parental support in this area. Wearing school uniform promotes a sense of belonging to the school and encourages pride in personal appearance.
Children require the following items:
Navy Pleated Skirt or Kimono
Red and White Gingham School Dress(summer)
White Blouse
Red Jumper / Cardigan
Red Tie
Red, Navy or White Socks / Tights
Red School Coat with School Logo
Black Flat Shoes
P.E. Uniform (P3 - P7) : Navy Shorts and
White T-Shirt, Trainers or Black Gym Shoes
Parents are requested to mark all clothes and belongings.
Uniform grant can be applied for at https://www.eani.org.uk/financial-help/free-school-meals-uniform-grants/apply-for-free-school-meals-uniform-grants
Jewellery/Nail Polish
Jewellery should not be worn at school. Children with pierced ears should only wear stud earrings.
Nail polish should be removed before coming to school.

Uniform Suppliers
TinyTogs, Crumlin Road, Belfast
Signature Uniforms
PE Uniform
Pupils in P1 and P2 must have a pair of plimsolls for PE.
Pupils from P3- P7 require the following PE uniform:
- Black plimsolls/trainers
- White polo shirt
- Plain navy shorts/track bottoms
- One piece swimsuit
- Goggles

School Coat
The school coat with school logo is a compulsory part of the uniform. It may be purchased from the school or directly from Signature Schools at

Holy Cross Girls' School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT14 7HZ
Phone: 028 9039 1771 | info@holycrossgirls.belfast.ni.sch.uk