Pastoral Care
In Holy Cross Girls' we provide a safe and secure environment where the children are happy as they learn and are praised and recognised for their achievements.
There is a trusting relationship between the child, teacher and Principal so that the child feels free to discuss any problem she might have. "Children feel safe and secure in school and know what to do if they have any concerns about their safety or well-being, and can access a counsellor within the school if they require additional help." (ETI report April 2015)
Each class operates a reward system for individual effort and achievement. At a whole school level a Girl of the Week for each class is recognised at the weekly assembly as are the weekly birthday girls. Their photographs are displayed in the school entrance hall.
The school has a comprehensive Positive Behaviour Policy incorporating areas such as Child Protection, Anti-Bullying and Discipline.
Pupils are encouraged to show self discipline, care, consideration and courtesy for others.
"The behaviour of the children is exemplary; they are polite and helpful to each other and to visitors. The children demonstrate excellent personal and social skills, supporting each other in class and at play." (ETI report April 2015)
Pupils play an active role within the school through Playground Buddy Scheme(P2), Playground Pals (P4) and Prefects (P7). Pupils contribute well to the decision making processes within the school through the Eco Council and the School Council.
School Council 2018-19

Pupil Voice
The pupils and staff of Holy Cross Girls’ PS are delighted to have achieved the highest Eco award ‘GREEN FLAG STATUS’ for their environmental work for a second time.
The school Eco curriculum, supported by the pupil Eco Council, encourages the pupils to be responsible for their own health and to be aware of their environmental responsibility.
One of the aims of the school is to support the children to become responsible citizens. The girls learn to value the earth and are encouraged to reduce, reuse and recycle as well as participate in health awareness programmes and activities.
Our global links with St Theresa’s School in Uganda has earned us ‘The Primary School International Development Award’ and it helps the pupils to learn to respect diversity and equality for all.
As part of PDMU there is a school council made up of pupils elected from each class. Elections for new members are held each year.
The school council meets on a regular basis to discuss issues of importance to the children and the school. Pupils are consulted on whole school issues and their ideas and suggestions are listened to.
Holy Cross Girls' School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast, County Antrim BT14 7HZ
Phone: 028 9039 1771 |