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Holy Cross Girls� School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast

How Sweet Is Your Favourite Treat?

16th Oct 2015
How Sweet Is Your Favourite Treat?

Sugar Content – A Scientific Investigation

We carried out an investigation on the sugar content of a number of treats and soft drinks.

Firstly, we estimated how much sugar we thought each item contained by identifying their mass or volume.

After that we used the nutritional label on the products to calculate how much sugar each item contained.

Using kitchen scales we measured out the amount of sugar that each drink or snack contained. This helped us to visualise how much sugar we consume when we eat or drink these items.

As a result of this investigation many of us were shocked by the findings, especially when we examined how much sugar there is in soft drinks.

At the end of the lesson we discussed the ways in which we could reduce our sugar intake – a lot of us decided that it would be a good idea to replace fizzy drinks with water or drinks that contain very little sugar and perhaps enjoy the drinks with high sugar content as a treat.

We realise that it is not recommended for us to drink these sugary drinks every day.