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Holy Cross Girls� School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast

News Archive - Home Page

25th Oct 2023
Primary Six enjoyed another fun session working with Joe from TAMHI this morning....
25th Oct 2023
Our DreamSpace Ambassadors are really getting to grips with their role as mentors....
25th Oct 2023
Inspired by the cover illustration of their class novel, “Kensuke’s Kingdom”,...
25th Oct 2023
Primary 6 have been working hard learning to play the Tin Whistle. Check out their...
24th Oct 2023
As part of Community Relations In Schools’ (CRIS) ‘Buddy Up!’ programme,...
24th Oct 2023
Primary 6 and Primary 7 had a fun morning working together for our Annual Hallowe’en...
24th Oct 2023
Primary Four and Five were so excited to begin their new StoryBuilder project with...
19th Oct 2023
During Art Club with Miss Murphy, the girls have had great fun using foam clay to...
19th Oct 2023
Our KS2 girls had an absolutely fantastic time at our sponsored dance this morning....
18th Oct 2023
Our Primary Six DreamSpace Ambassadors had their first taste of teaching today, as...