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Holy Cross Girls� School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast

News Archive - Home Page

29th Nov 2023
Lots of smiles in Primary 6 today as we had a visit from the Grinch and his friends....
29th Nov 2023
Today our Primary 6 girls had the chance to be coaches to our Primary 4 girls. They...
28th Nov 2023
Our KS2 girls took part in an online assembly this morning, along with 1000s of other...
24th Nov 2023
Primary Seven were delighted to visit Mercy College on Wednesday. During their visit...
15th Nov 2023
Primary Six took part in another great workshop with Joe from TAMHI today. The focus...
14th Nov 2023
Our Primary 6 DreamSpace ambassadors had their second training session today, with...
13th Nov 2023
Thank you so much to Ross from the Four Corners Festival for facilitating our drama...
13th Nov 2023
The girls in Primary One were delighted to wear odd socks today. We are celebrating...
13th Nov 2023
Primary 6 celebrated the start of Anti-Bullying Week by wearing their Odd Socks for...
13th Nov 2023
Primary Six kicked off Anti-Bullying Week this morning by joining the BBC Teach Live...