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Holy Cross Girls� School, Ardoyne Road, Belfast

Our new friends arrived at Primary 3!

28th Apr 2021

These are our 5 new caterpillar friends. We are helping the caterpillars grow and change into butterflies. This is the Lifecycle of the butterfly. You can follow our journey with various videos and reports on our Seesaw blog.
These are our 5 new caterpillar friends. We are helping the caterpillars grow and change into butterflies. This is the Lifecycle of the butterfly. You can follow our journey with various videos and reports on our Seesaw blog.
This is daily diary of our caterpillars.we are observing The Larvae Stage.
This is daily diary of our caterpillars.we are observing The Larvae Stage.
Look, they have grown to 3cms! Can you find their real legs and their prolegs? Their real legs are the 3 pairs of black legs at the front. The prolegs are the 5 pairs of short legs with hooks at the back. These help to stick to their plants.
Look, they have grown to 3cms! Can you find their real legs and their prolegs? Their real legs are the 3 pairs of black legs at the front. The prolegs are the 5 pairs of short legs with hooks at the back. These help to stick to their plants.
Mr Minnie has grown to 5 cms. Soon it will crawl to the top and attach itself to the top where it will become a chrysalis. This happens after about 14 days. We are now in day 10.
Mr Minnie has grown to 5 cms. Soon it will crawl to the top and attach itself to the top where it will become a chrysalis. This happens after about 14 days. We are now in day 10.
Wow. Something amazing has happened. Three of our caterpillars have made a chrysalis. We can now call them chrysalides. This is the Pupa stage.
Wow. Something amazing has happened. Three of our caterpillars have made a chrysalis. We can now call them chrysalides. This is the Pupa stage.
This is our class diary of The Lifecycle of the caterpillar.
This is our class diary of The Lifecycle of the caterpillar.